
For the country’s largest player by market share - embarking them on an outsourcing journey to develop their mission critical technologies overseas
Explore below

The client and context:

·      Build networks and markets voice, mobile, internet access, pay television and other products and services. It is one of the largest wireless carriers in the Country, with 18.8 million subscribers as of 2020.

·      The company had transitioned from a state owned enterprise to a fully privatised company and had recently focused on diversified products and emerging technologies.

The challenges:

The client had commissioned a review of every single critical application set and relevant programs including a Case for action for outsourcing and offshoring, as well as a sequencing of ‘lifting and shifting’ of such applications, not impacting Business-As-Usual, and yet laying the foundations for transformations.

What we Did:

·      We performed a Outsourcing and Offshoring feasibility analysis.

·      Co-created a sequence of applications and programs to be transitioned and transformed.

·      Clustered applications as Gold, Silver and Bronze based on mission criticality.

·      Further, split work as design, development and testing; the former two happening onsite in the Country initially and the testing was carried out offshore. Helped generate insights, that were then used to refactor and reverse engineer application design and development in meaningful ways, laying the foundation for full outsourcing over time.

·      Released dollars from programs that were not critical to business and not delivering to ones that needed it, on back of a start-stop-continue list.

What we achieved:

Set up a Center of Excellence in India, that offered two sets of benefits to the organization. Cost Arbitrage. And leverage of Global Talent.

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Expert Team

John Huang (黃健銘)

Senior Partner, China | Risk Management, Advanced Analytics, Banking

Hassan Al-Shama

CEO | Strategy, Real Estate, Commerce

Seong-Hwan Choi

Managing Partner, Korea | Logistics, IT Optimization, WMS/TMS

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