is an official specialized training supplier to Liverpool’s Skills Bootcamps across all 7 sector lines.
The Skills Bootcamps for the Workplace Project Team sit in the Skills & Apprenticeship Hub and are part of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA).
The Digital Skills for the Workplace pilot project was developed in September 2020 as part of the Department for Education’s (DfE) Digital Bootcamps pilot. The Liverpool City Region (LCR) was one of just six areas nationally to trial the skills training aimed at helping participants to find jobs in the growing digital and tech sector and help employers to fill digital skills gaps in their business.
LCRCA has recently secured up to a further £8.1M funding from the Department for Education to deliver Skills Bootcamps across LCR which are part of the Government’s Levelling up and Skills for life initiatives and therefore extend the LCRCA Skills Bootcamps for the Workplace project.
As part of this funding allocation there has been a significant expansion of the scope of sectors that can be supported.
LCRCA has been approved by the DfE to deliver Skills Bootcamps specialized training in the following 7 sectors, for which HYLMAN delivers:
This Training will be fully funded by DfE via LCRCA (as the Lead Supplier to DfE) for eligible independent and self-employed Trainees, and part funded for eligible employers wanting to reskill existing employees
The below diagram shows the end to end process of the Skills Bootcamp initiative:
See diagramHYLMAN will deliver the Skills Bootcamp (Training) which will adhere to the following requirements:
The delivery of a training programme that is practical in nature, can be applied to the workplace and centres around re-skilling/upskilling trainees in the designated sector to enable Trainees to gain a suitable positive outcome post course completion
The course must provide a minimum of 60 tutor led guided learning hours (GLH) to each Trainee. Please note that a full day’s Training constitutes 6 GLH in total and all learning which counts towards the number of tutor led learning hours must be interactive online delivery by the tutor or blended learning which provides a mix of face to face and online delivery by the tutor, as defined below in requirement 9. Self e-learning/other self-learning are not constituted within the number of tutor led guided learning hours.
Skills Bootcamps will be delivered at Level 3-5 or equivalent. Level 2 or equivalent Skills Bootcamps can currently only be delivered in Construction, Green Skills, Logistics (HGV driving) and Rail, this may be subject to change in the future. HYLMAN will display how the Training will be quality assured, that may be either:
o Qualifications regulated by Ofqual or
o A programme of learning assessed using appropri ate methodology such as SFIA (Levels of responsibili ty — English (sfia-online.org) or
o A programme of learning assessed using RARPA (https://learningandwork.org.uk/resources/re search-andreports/rarpa/) or
o A programme of learning based on industry and/or apprenticeship standards or
o Other recognised quality assurance processes
The Training course will be less than or equal to 16 weeks in length. All course delivery shall be completed by 31st March of the financial year in which funding is awarded.
Courses will have a minimum of 60 tutor-led learning hours to be delivered. HYLMAN shall consider flexible delivery to address wider learner commitments including work, job seeking and caring responsibilities/barriers to retrain.
The Training content must align to the knowledge and skills required for job roles (which can include apprenticeship roles) in the designated sector. HYLMAN shall demonstrate how the Bootcamp has been developed to address the needs of local business / wider LCR economy when aligning for delivery. The Training Provider should consider content which adds value to the learning experience, such as industry speakers and business challenges.
HYLMAN shall be innovative in their design and delivery of the programme and to incorporate a strong interactive dimension.
Courses can be delivered via Interactive online delivery (such as the use of Zoom/Microsoft Teams/online breakout Rooms), or blended learning which provides a mix of face to face and online delivery. If delivery requires face to face attendance, the location must be a central location in Liverpool which is easily accessible for Trainees. If a specific method of delivery is requested that will be detailed at call off in the Specification.
HYLMAN shall provide quality advice, guidance and support to Trainees pre-enrolment, during training and post completion which will be detailed in the documentation to include information on one-to-one tutorial support offered to Trainees.
Offer a guaranteed interview for a job (which could be for an Apprenticeship) for 100% of independent / unemployed Trainees. We expect that 75% of participants will move into a new job or new role or gain new opportunities (in the case of the self-employed) which is relevant to the knowledge and skills of the course.
Signposting and support to Trainees unsuccessful at interviews to continue for up to six months on completion of the Training.
HYLMAN will work to obtain In-kind support from local employers which could include work experience, support with CVs, interview skills and other interpersonal skills. Our service provisions include innovative proposals of realistic and sustainable options that demonstrate commitment from all sides to a successful outcome. HYLMAN will work to engage with local employers to arrange suitable interviews for Trainees for job roles that will require the knowledge and skills obtained during the training.
The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority is committed to achieving community benefits within the City Region. Social Value outcomes will include but are not limited to supply chain opportunities for local suppliers and/or other opportunities for local employment. Social Value Submissions will be contractually binding and shall therefore be incorporate into the Call-Off Contract/Order Form
HYLMAN and LCRCA Skills & Apprenticeship Hub place a strong emphasis on Trainee inclusivity and supporting Trainee’s with additional learning needs e.g. dyslexia.
HYLMAN will monitor Trainee attendance, provide support to Trainees particularly if a Trainee requires additional support or has missed a session(s), and how they will assess that learning has still been able to be achieved.
HYLMAN considers the environment and sustainability in the delivery of their Training programme.
Skills Bootcamps are available to adults, regardless of prior attainment (unless required by the role / regulations of the industry in which the vacancies are being offered) aged 19+ (on the 31st August of the financial year in which funding is allocated) who are either:
• full-time or part-time employed, self-employed, unemployed* (i.e. not in work), as well as adults returning to work after a break
* Skills Bootcamps can support adults who have been unemployed for longer than 12 months if they can demonstrate that it will support them effectively in gaining employment. Skills Bootcamps should also be open to serving prisoners due to be released within 6 months of completion of a Skills Bootcamp and those on temporary release from prison.
HYLMAN shall ensure each applicant meets the eligibility requirements and is suitable for the course by undertaking an Assessment before they are able to offer a place on a Training course.
This lot relates to courses delivering Digital skills required to help learners to find jobs in the growing digital and tech sector and help employers to fill digital skills gaps in their business.
These could include, but are not exclusive to, areas of:
• Cloud
• Computer Aided Design
• Cyber
• Data
• DevOps
• Digital Marketing
• Games
• Networks / Support
• Software Development
• Software Engineering
• Web
This lot relates to courses delivering technical skills across Manufacturing and engineering including Marine and Civil..
This lot relates to any of the sector skills specified in all other Lots that map to a recognised apprenticeship, designed to support learners to progress to an accelerated apprenticeship at either the same level or higher..
These could include, but are not exclusive to, areas of:
• Advanced Manufacturing
• Design
• Electronics & Electrotechnical
• Engineering
This lot relates to courses providing skills to enable learners to start or further develop a career in the construction industry..
This lot relates to skills that directly meet the needs of the green economy; the Skills Bootcamp must fall into one of the Prioritised Green Sectors as set out below;
These could include, but are not exclusive to, areas of:
• Construction Management
• Construction Trades
• Construction Retrofit
• Green Power
• Green Construction & Buildings
• Green Transport
• Green Protection of Natural Resources
• Green Business & Industry
‘Direct Green’ skills are skills that are specific to a Prioritised Green Sector or role within that sector. Green Skills Bootcamps must clearly demonstrate how they i) deliver skills that meet the Green Skills definition, ii) deliver skills relevant to a Prioritised Green Sector, and iii) deliver skills that are ‘Direct Green’.
This lot relates to the delivery of training to achieve a licence for Cat C or Cat E and additional qualifications for specific requirements e.g. Tankers.
This lot relates to courses providing skills to enable learners to start or further develop a career in the rail industry.
These could include, but are not exclusive to, areas of:
• Novice to Cat C
• Novice to Cat C and Cat C+E
• Cat C to Cat C+E
• Additional Qualification in ADR Packages
• Additional Qualification in ADR Packages and ADR Tankers
These could include, but are not exclusive to, areas of:
• Personal Track Safety
• Trackside Safety Certificates
• Controller Of Site Safety (COSS)
• Access Overhead Lines Construction Sites (OLEC 1)
• DCCR (Direct Current Conductor Rail) safe working
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